I just had my first ultrasound and was so happy to see that there IS actually something, or someone in there. I am 11 weeks along (found out I was a little further along than I thought) and am starting to feel good! I'm still pretty tired, but at least the nausea is mostly gone. The interesting thing is that with my first 2 pregnancies, I thought I was going to die, I felt so terrible. But since then, I've gone through Chemo. I don't know if its just by comparison that this time around doesn't seem so bad cause nothing feels quite as awful as the affects of chemo. Or maybe I'm just not as sick as I normally get. Either way, I'm glad it was brief and not too bad.
I'm so excited and anxious to have another baby. It's just amazing to me that even at only 11 weeks of development, this little fig size person can move around so much. It has been so much fun with this pregnancy because both of my kids are old enough to know what's going on. They ask so many questions about the baby (which has been interesting at times and I've had to make a few trips to the library to help explain things). They always remember the baby in their prayers. Its fun every week to find an object that represents how the big the baby is now. We have a little bag we keep the objects in so we can compare every week how much bigger it has grown. Oh what fun!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
First Ultrasound
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Murdock Family 2008 Update
Munro 31 ~ Has been ambitiously building up his Xocai Healthy Chocolate business this year. In October he started working the business full time and we are excited to watch it grown and be able to share a truly awesome product with people as well as help others grow their own income. Munro has also been a busy property manager of our 2 rentals (which we’d love to sale) and has also been buying cars from the auction and selling them. Munro also began his acting career this year. He’s been an extra in a few made for TV movies and will be in the upcoming “Waiting for Forever.” He also just finished working on a RC Willey commercial. There is nothing this Murdock Man can’t do! We are grateful to have such a great husband and father who works so hard to support his family.
Rachel 31 ~ has been helping Munro with the healthy chocolate business, editing and creating great videos, taking care of two great kids and began writing a novel. She also enjoyed getting into politics this year and discussing different points of view with people. Rachel had another cancer free year and celebrated 2 years of being in remission. Also, we are happy to announce that Rachel is pregnant! We are so excited to welcome another little one into our family. It is truly a blessing and an answer to many prayers. Besides the morning sickness that lasts all day, Rachel is happy and healthy!
Mason 6 ~ is loving his 3rd year at Kids Village and is in Kindergarten this year. Mason loves math, drawing, coloring and most of all, playing his Nintendo DS. He plays so well with Maile and is a great big brother, always willing to help mommy out.
Masonisms: After Uncle Taber put a present under the tree for our family, Mason said “When its Christmas, after we open our presents, if we like it, we’ll call you and say Thank you. If we don’t like it, we’ll still call you and say Thank you.”
Maile asked her Auntie if she knows Heavenly Father & Jesus. Mason interrupted and said, “Everyone knows Heavenly Father & Jesus, just not everyone thinks they’re true.” After Mason found out mommy was pregnant he said, “I’m so excited mom. It’s gonna hurt, but it’s the greatest gift.”
Maile 3 ~ started her first year of preschool at Kids Village and would love it if she didn’t have to get up early in the morning. (She takes after mom, she’s not a morning person.) She loves pretty frilly dresses, Disney princesses, pink and purple, makeup and long hair. She loves to sing songs from Disney, Primary, and Barbie movies.
Maileisms: playing with a toy register, she said, “Thank you for shopping at Walmart.” When Maile found out there was a baby in mommy’s tummy, she eyed mommy carefully, then walked up to her, lifted up her shirt and said, “Where is it?” Maile’s friend told her she was going to marry Mason. Maile screamed at her, “NO, YOU CAN’T MARRY MY BRUDDER!”
Life is great and we can’t help but to feel truly blessed. Despite all the uncertainty and “scary” things going on in the world, we are optimistic. We are grateful to have the gospel of Jesus Christ in our lives and proudly celebrate His birth at this time of year. Merry Christmas from our family and we hope you have a great 2009!
For contact info, email:
munromurdock@yahoo.com ~ raeshine77@yahoo.com
Our Business- www.rockthechoc.com
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
Uda Girl Turkey Romp
For Thanksgiving this year, we had a big Uda Gang Reunion with family coming all the way from Hawaii. At the last minute, somehow my crazy sisters convinced me to learn a quick dance for the impromptu talent show. I normally only dance in front of my kids and that's just cause it gives them a good laugh. I have no rhythm and am pretty self conscious about dancing in public. But I caved to the peer pressure and now I'm posting my humiliation publicly.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Japanese CEO takes paycut, American CEOs should follow example!
I was so impressed by this Japanese CEO after hearing of all the corporate greed and golden parachutes in our country. Our American CEOs should follow his example.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Guess What!
Drum roll please.....................
And the results are.................
The battle against cancer was grueling and the affects of chemo were almost unbearable. But there was a handful of side affects that I gladly accepted. We made the decision to put my body into menopause during chemotherapy to protect my eggs and give me a chance at getting pregnant in the future. The doctors were hopeful that it would work, but not positive. We have been trying to get pregnant for a while now and it has been a source of disappointment and frustration that is was proving to be so difficult-- Especially when it was very easy to get pregnant with my first two. We were just starting to look into adoption when we found out I was pregnant. I am only 5 weeks along and common sense would tell me that it is much too early to broadcast the news. But I've never been one to keep a secret...it's just too hard when I'm so happy and excited. Besides, I figure the added prayers from friends and family could only help. My hormone levels are high and I'm already sick, both good signs that I can sustain the pregnancy. I'm so incredibly excited. Mason put it best when we told him the news. He said, "Mom, I'm so excited. It's going to hurt a lot, but it's the best gift."
Wow, I just love my kids, and can't wait to have another special little spirit join our family.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Online Survey Participants Needed!
For Munro's new job, he is required to get as many of these surveys filled out online as possible. Can you help me by taking a few minutes to fill out this survey? I would really appreciate it! (Please feel free to forward.) The more participants the better. Thanks so much,
Subject: BYU Weight Loss Study #274
We are currently conducting a new BYU Weight Loss Study and would appreciate your participation by completing the following short survey. We will be giving away two $50 gift cards to randomly selected participants on November 15th. The survey should take less than 10 minutes and will provide us with important details related to motivational factors associated with weight loss, exercise and eating habits. You have the option of either completing the survey anonymously or adding your contact information at the end in order to be entered in the drawing. All information will be kept confidential and will not be used for any other purpose.
Please forward this email to family members, friends and people who may be inclined to contribute to this important study.
Click on the following link to complete the survey now and to enter to win a $50 gift card:
Thank you for your participation,
Research team:
Cameron L.
Gustavo A.
Jonathan J.
Summer O.
BYU Weight Loss Study #274
Thursday, November 6, 2008
October Family Pics
The kids at their School Halloween program. Mason was Super Mario and Maile was a princess...of course.
We went on a quick trip to Colorado for our Xocai Healthy Chocolate business. We brought the kids along and they were great sports during many long meetings. We made it up to them and took them to Bananas Fun Park.
Oh the joys of having a little girl. Maile got herself invited to a pajama party. Most of the girls were 5 years old. So Maile got to hang out with the older girls and get her makeup done as well as fingernails and toenails painted. OH, and did I mention they all had their hair colored!? Yeah, let's just say the bath water was bright pink that night.
Little boys are so fun too. Munro just loves having his own little soccer star. Ro was faithful in attending almost every single game Mason had. He also went through many drills and practices at home. We even started going to the REAL Salt Lake soccer games. It was pretty exciting for the boys.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Understanding Proposition 8 - A Deeper Look
This is a very insightful article written by my brother. It really helps to explain the reasoning behind those who disapprove of gay marriage. The original article can be found at http://www.new.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=30628998779&id=1471600348&index=0Love is the most powerful attracting force in the universe. It draws us together to be in each other’s presence. It compels us to share our time, our thoughts, our concerns, even our possessions. Love fills us with a desire to bring each other happiness, peace, and joy. Sometimes love compels us to create together, to create relationships, homes, even life. Love is universally honored and appreciated as a force for good, and the purest of motives. It is acknowledged as the only force more powerful than our instinctive will to survive, a force so great that we would sacrifice our own lives to preserve the happiness and security of those we love. So why would anyone want to stop two people who love each other from being married?
In order to understand the answer to that question, we must first understand what marriage is and what marriage is not. We must also understand why society embraces marriage, and why two people would want to be married.
For as long as humankind has kept written records, humans have acknowledged marriage as a multiparty agreement between a man, a woman, society, government, and even God. While many variations of this agreement exist, the general terms are often similar and fairly simple. American society generally accepts the following terms as part of the marital agreement:
1. The man and the woman agree to share property, privacy, and privilege.
2. Government agrees to treat these two individuals as if they were one with respect to their property, privacy, and privilege.
3. The man and the woman agree to mate with each other.
4. Society agrees to condone the mating of the man and the woman.
5. Society also agrees to disqualify the man and woman as prospective mates for others.
6. In the religious tradition, deity sanctions the mating of this couple as an appropriate use of creative power.
Thus, the marriage agreement generally involves two aspects: sharing and approval. When we look a little deeper, however, we can see that the approval aspect of marriage is not related to friendship or love. While marriage is an agreement that provides approval of sexual behavior, it is not an agreement that provides an approval of love. Such an approval is unnecessary because love is universally approved, as is friendship. Sexual behavior, on the other hand, is scrutinized and evaluated for its impact on society. The approval of society accompanies marriage because marriage is viewed as an agreement designed to maximize the positive impact of sexual reproduction while minimizing the negative impacts on society. Specifically, marriage is embraced and used by society to protect the family.
There are many organizational units in society, which produce or provide components of a healthy civilization. Some produce goods and services, and we call these companies. Others produce ideas and philosophies. We call these political parties and churches. Some provide safety and security. We call these armies. Ultimately, however, all of these units and the many others that exist in civilizations are composed of people.
People are the building blocks of society, and only one unit in society produces those building blocks. We call it the family. The family is considered the fundamental unit of society because no other unit can be built without the building blocks produced by families.
Societies have always given special attention to the formation of families because families play such a central role in the development, growth, sustained existence, and prosperity of civilizations. Many dangerous structural weaknesses can threaten family stability. If a family is not formed properly, it may easily break down and cease to produce good members of society. Without good members of society from which to build companies, political parties, churches, and armies, society itself loses stability. When families fail, society fails; therefore, societies have used marriage as a means to ensure the integrity of the family unit.
The general terms of the marriage agreement are designed to ensure that the building blocks of society produced by families are properly nourished, protected, educated, and prepared to become productive members of society. Scientists and researchers agree that children raised by both a father and a mother are more likely to be properly nourished, protected, educated, and prepared to become productive members of society. Accordingly, societies have historically disapproved of fornication, adultery, and divorce, as these practices often result in teen pregnancies, single mothers, deadbeat dads, and confused, neglected, and insecure children. While some do succeed in raising healthy children under these circumstances, statistically, those cases are the fortunate few.
Because people have a tendency to seek approval and acceptance from others, social disapproval has proven to be an effective deterrent to the unstable formation of families. Since marriage provides the approval of society, government, and religion; most devoted couples will seek to be married before they begin to create a family, and they will commit to fidelity and mutual support in order to enter the marital agreement. Both fidelity and mutual support facilitate the creation of a stable environment in which to raise productive members of society.
So, we have outlined what marriage is and what it is not. We have examined why society embraces marriage, and why a couple would want to be married. With these ideas in mind, we can now address the original question. Why would anyone want to stop two people who love each other from being married?
First we must reemphasize that love is not under consideration in marriage because love is universally approved. Sexual behavior is scrutinized and evaluated for its impact on society. Society does not disapprove of love between a man and a woman, nor does society disapprove of one man loving another man or of one woman loving another woman. This is called having a best friend. Many of us have our guy friends and our girlfriends of the same gender. We love and care for these people very much. We want to be with them. We want to share with them. We want to make them happy. Usually we do this by showing our concern, by listening to their problems, and by providing advice or encouragement. Often we assist them with their labors or provide other temporal support. We loan them our resources; we give them gifts; we open our homes and our families to them. Sometimes we love our friends so much that we would even give our lives for them.
Regardless of the gender of our friends, none of these acts are considered homosexual. The soldier who loves his friends so much that he throws himself on a grenade to save them is not homosexual because of his love. The definition of homosexuality is not to love someone of the same gender, no matter how strong that love is. Friendship does not become homosexuality until two people of the same gender engage in sexual acts with each other.
With marriage, love is not being submitted for approval; sexual behavior is being submitted for approval. For heterosexual couples, this approval is easily granted because their sexual activity may produce children, and they are promising to also create a stable environment for those children, so the children may someday become good members of society.
With homosexual couples, this approval is not easily granted for several reasons; primarily, their sexual activity can never create children. The couple cannot produce the building blocks of society; therefore, they are not the fundamental unit of society, and their sexual behavior is not approved.
We must note here that sexual activity of any kind is rarely used exclusively for reproductive purposes; however, social approval is not so much based on the intent of sexual partners as it is based on an evaluation of the possible impact on society. Society considers many impacts in addition to the production and development of people, including changes to the pool of potential mates, reproductive health and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, unplanned parenthood, abortion, broken families, children in foster care, and many others.
This evaluation of social impact (not sexual intent) is reflected in society’s historical disapproval of unmarried heterosexual partners and in the general acceptance of sexual activity within the bonds of marriage. Married couples may not intend to have children or may not be able to have children; nevertheless, if they do have children, those children are statistically more likely to be raised in a stable environment and prepared to become good members of society. Production of children is not mandatory for approval; rather, the potential for that production within a stable environment is the perceived benefit that leads society to accept marital sex.
The evaluation of social impact is perhaps the most rational reason for the disapproval of homosexual behavior; however, an honest investigation into people’s opinions and feelings about homosexuality will produce a variety of less rational, yet no less real, emotional and mental barriers to approving such behavior. While many of these sentiments are openly discussed, others are quite taboo. Still, we must eventually address all of them if we are to come to a mutual understanding and find an answer to our original question. Those sentiments that are more sensitive must especially be discussed because they are the feelings that frequently lead to heinous hate crimes, prejudice, and discrimination. For the sake of clarity, they are presented here in a scientific and straightforward manner.
First, homosexuality is commonly seen as a perversion and an abuse of the power to create life. Many view this power as a sacred gift granted by God. Even those who do not believe in God typically feel a profound respect for the intimate and marvelous ability to create life. Misuse of this power for any purpose, whether for masturbation, fornication, adultery, homosexuality, or bestiality, is often considered perversion. To pervert is to change, alter, or distort something. In that sense, all of these acts are indeed perversions – changes, alterations, and distortions of human reproduction. Thus, the sexual behavior is not approved.
Second, many of the sexual acts listed above are considered sinful, which means contrary to the will of God. Many believe that God gave mankind the power of procreation and gave guidelines for the appropriate use of that power. They also believe that God created the institution of marriage. Naturally, their belief system would not allow the possibility of changing that institution to incorporate those who cannot procreate together and who are practicing sexuality in a way that has been forbidden by many religions. Thus, the sexual behavior is not approved.
Third, many sexual acts considered sinful, such as masturbation, homosexuality, and bestiality, cannot create life; rather, they are used to self gratify. They have no useful or meaningful purpose other than to release dopamine and cause physical pleasure. Many do not consider the case in which two homosexual partners seek only to bring happiness to each other; instead, they see homosexuality as a willingness to do anything for self gratification. Self gratification, or selfishness, runs contrary to friendship and love. Usually selfishness is the cause of divorce or broken friendships, and selfish people are rarely accepted by others. Thus, the sexual behavior is not approved.
Fourth, homosexuality fails many ethical tests. For example, Kant’s Universality Test of the Moral Imperative requires that we imagine a universe in which everyone was required to follow the maxim or perform the action in question. We assume that what is truly good for one must also be good for all. If homosexuality were to replace heterosexuality, all human life would cease within a generation. Only the practice of artificial insemination could prevent the extinction of humankind.
Because of these ethical tests, many non-religious people are opposed to homosexuality. They find that even outside of the constraints of religion – entirely within the boundaries of metaphysics and ethics – homosexuality is still viewed as a vice rather than a virtue. Thus, the sexual behavior is not approved.
Fifth, many are appalled by the thought of homosexual intercourse. They view the specific techniques of homosexual intercourse as unsanitary, particularly in the case of male homosexuality involving anal intercourse. While this is not the only method of homosexual intercourse, it has become the most salient, and it continues to shape perceptions about homosexuals.
Anal intercourse, whether it is practiced by homosexual or heterosexual couples, is revolting to many. The human rectum is an orifice of the digestive system, not the reproductive system. It is the passageway of human waste and excrement. This excrement is considered to be the filthiest of all materials. It is foul smelling and naturally repugnant. Furthermore, anal intercourse is damaging to the tissues of the colon and rectum and often causes bleeding, which brings infection from excrement and facilitates the introduction of sexually transmitted diseases. Accordingly, the thought of homosexuality is naturally appalling to many people. Thus, the sexual behavior is not approved.
Because of these reasons and perhaps others, many in society will never accept or condone homosexuality. Unlike the primary reason for disapproval, these last five are fraught with logical fallacies. However, regardless of whether or not any of these reasons are logical or justified, they are certainly real; they are extremely significant, and they must be considered because they continue to hinder the social approval of homosexual behavior.
Remember that the marriage agreement involves two aspects: sharing and approval. While many do not approve of the sexual behavior of homosexuals, they are willing to participate in a multiparty agreement involving only the sharing aspect. This means that the couple will share property, privacy, and privilege, and the government will recognize their right to do so and treat them as one person with regard to those things. We call this a civil union.
Still, civil unions are not good enough for some homosexual couples because they want the one thing that only the word “marriage” provides, and that is social acceptance and approval of their choice to engage in sexual acts with a partner of the same gender.
Why do you need to “marry” the person you love? If your answer is that you want the legal rights and legal privileges of marriage, then a civil union will provide all of those. If you simply want society to honor and accept your love, then friendship will suffice. If, however, you also want social acceptance and approval of your sexual relationship, then you must be married.
Unfortunately, that is the great illusion that has led so many homosexuals to seek government sanction of same-sex marriage. They are under the false impression that receiving a title of marriage will provide acceptance for them as it has for so many heterosexual couples. This sad misunderstanding demonstrates their failure to see the mechanisms of civilization that have embraced marriage and made it a central institution in society.
Remember, marriage is a multiparty agreement:
1. From an individual standpoint, marriage represents an agreement to share property, privacy, and privilege. It also represents a commitment of fidelity.
2. From a government standpoint, marriage represents recognition of the right to share property, privacy, and privilege.
3. From a social standpoint, marriage represents a sanction of the proper formation of a family, a fundamental unit with potential to create good members of society.
4. From a religious standpoint, marriage represents an approval of the proper use of creative power.
If these are the parties of the multiparty agreement, only two can be satisfied with same-sex marriage. The civil union agreement only requires the participation of these two satisfied parties, but the marriage agreement requires the participation of all four.
Too many in society are not willing to sanction same-sex marriage as the proper formation of a family, a fundamental unit that will produce good members of society. Too many in the various churches throughout this nation are not willing to use their religious authority to approve homosexuality as a proper use of creative power. Should we force these two parties into the contract? Or, should we allow them to make their best judgment in this issue and let the other two parties create their own contract?
In the end, “married” is just a word. It is a word that indicates the formation of a specific unit in society, the family – producer of people. Still, it is just a word. There are many words that represent the formation of societal units, words like incorporation. Incorporation is also just a word, and articles of incorporation are just paper; however, they represent a multiparty agreement that has actually taken place. You can call a company incorporated, but if the relevant parties have not actually agreed to the contract, what does it mean?
The word “married” is like a stamp of approval. A stamp of approval is created to express a sentiment that already exists. The stamp itself is just an image, but it represents a careful process of evaluation and judgment. You can create and apply a similar stamp without completing that process, but what does it mean?
Just calling yourself incorporated does not make you a legitimate business, a legal producer of goods and services. Calling yourself married does not make you a family, a producer of human life. Stamping yourself with “approved” does not force the evaluation board to approve you, and calling yourself married does not force society and religion to approve of your sexual behavior.
Again, if homosexuals want marriage because they want legal rights, then a civil union will do. If they want marriage because they want approval, they are gravely misguided. Those that will approve of their sexual behavior because they are married, likely already approved of it before. Those in society that do not approve will not be swayed by what they view as a counterfeit stamp of approval – false articles of incorporation. A homosexual couple will still be viewed as a mislabeled organization, an under-the-table business, a false fundamental unit that cannot perform the fundamental function of a family.
It is important that we distinguish between the different units in our society and understand the role that they each play. If we do not, we will struggle to allocate the proper resources to the development, utilization, and preservation of each unit. It is even more important that we continue to recognize the family as the fundamental unit of society, so that we can continue to place it first on our list of priorities. No other unit should be allowed to share that position because no other unit is so crucial to society.
This is why so many feel that we must retain the specific stamp of approval which has been created for the designation of a fundamental unit. Certainly, we must at least understand the consequences of throwing that stamp on anything that merely approximates a family.
The title, type, function, and description of organizations are all connected for the sake of order and clarity. A company is created by incorporation. A family is created by marriage. An army is commissioned. A labor union is unionized. Words have meaning. You cannot incorporate an army. Its primary and intended function is not to produce goods and services. True, an army can buy goods and services. It purchases weapons and supplies from many corporations, but it is not a corporation. It has a different function; it requires different resources; it is governed by different laws, so we commission it and do not incorporate it.
Likewise, same-sex couples can never create human life together. They can buy the seeds of life or buy life itself by adopting, but they can never produce that life alone, not without the participation of a third person of opposite gender. While some heterosexual couples suffer tragically from infertility, most can produce life. The social impact of their heterosexual behavior is viewed as potentially beneficial; therefore, society broadly accepts that behavior and is willing to marry those couples and recognize them as a family.
No homosexual couples can ever produce life… not one. They simply do not have the capability or potential to perform that function. Society does not perceive the same potential benefits when evaluating the social impact of homosexual behavior; instead, society perceives many negative potential impacts. Therefore, many do not consider a homosexual union to be equal to the family, the fundamental unit of society, the producer of people. Society is willing to unionize those same-sex couples, but many are not willing to marry them.
Willing is the key word. Two homosexuals may be willing to love and support each other; that is friendship. No one is stopping them. They may be willing to participate in homosexual acts; that is homosexuality. No one is stopping them. They may be willing to share property, privacy, and privilege; that is a civil union. No one is stopping them.
Ultimately, homosexuals are not really asking to do something. They are asking others to do something. They are not asking for the right to do what they are willing to do. When they ask for marriage, they are asking the rest of us to do something that we may or may not be willing to do. They are asking society to approve of their homosexual activity, and they are asking religious institutions to sanction their homosexual behavior as an appropriate use of creative power.
Are these other parties willing? That is the real question posed by Proposition 8. That is the underlying referendum being presented to us for a vote. By voting “Yes” on Proposition 8, we would do more than define marriage as a union only between one man and one woman. We would answer the underlying question of our willingness to participate in the marital agreement with homosexuals. By voting “Yes”... we would answer, “No… we are not willing. We are not willing to approve the social impact of homosexual activity. We are not willing to sanction homosexuality as a proper use of creative power. We are not willing to enter the multiparty agreement. We are not willing, and we choose to abstain.”
...That is an exercise of our freedom, not a restriction of theirs.
Proposition 8 is not about telling people who they can and cannot love. It is not about telling them who they can and cannot be with. It is not about preventing the legally recognized sharing of property, privacy, and privilege. Proposition 8 is about defining marriage. It is about the right and freedom of society and religion to abstain from a multiparty agreement deemed unacceptable. It is about preserving the coveted title of marriage as a stamp of approval for that fundamental institution which contributes the most to society. It is about protecting the unique status of the family and ensuring its place as the first and ultimate priority of civilization. Only the union of a man and a woman can create the greatest of all resources – human life. For that, we honor them. For that, we approve of them… and for that, we marry them… for only they have the power to create our future and the future of all humanity."
Joshua M. Uda © 2008 - All Rights Reserved
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
Ro the cop?
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Keep PG-PG rated!
Our Pleasant Grove neighborhood won a small victory thanks to the organization, planning, commitment and time put in by some of the amazing women in my ward! I didn't do much at all but make a few signs, sign a petition and attend the picketing at the city council meeting. It was fun to be somewhat involved in my community and neighborhood and take a stand for something we all believe in. Citizens do have power, especially when you've got some seriously committed housewives taking on a cause! (Way to go Cory and Melissa!)
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Munro & Larry King
Monday, September 29, 2008
Obama's Accomplishment
For those of you who didn't know, I am an Obama Supporter. I am frequently asked why? I try to explain my opinions the best I can, but my brother Josh is a lot better with words than I am and he explained beautifully exactly how I feel...so here it is:
To all those who have rhetorically asked supporters of Barak Obama to name his accomplishments, I can name one. Fortunately, it is the only one that matters. He has inspired the American People. Some may not consider this an accomplishment. They want to see accomplishments in economics, foreign policy, education, immigration reform, or national security. Those are all important; however, they are not job responsibilities of the president. The president has an entire cabinet of secretaries and directors to create policies, implement strategies, and manage every other facet of the executive branch, but he himself is not a manager. He is a leader.
Managers work with projects. Leaders work with people. Managers worry about the mission of an organization. Leaders provide the vision. Managers must plan, organize, and control. Leaders must communicate the vision clearly, inspire others to embrace it, and motivate them to work together to make it real.
The Civilization Cycle teaches us that a nation develops when people find common goals and collapses when apathy abounds. We are on the bad end of that cycle, and we must find a shared vision to survive. Only one candidate has shattered apathy and imbued citizens with a new sense of national identity, an identity that reaches across international borders and party lines and grants respect to all people.
Barack Obama has inspired vastly diverse people to put aside their differences and share a common goal. That goal is to end our Civil Cold War and open a dialogue of cooperation and mutual respect in an effort to find ways that we the people, with our own competencies and resources, can help ourselves. We don’t need some accomplished manager to micromanage our lives. We are the change we have been waiting for. That is his message. Millions have been inspired by Obama to ask again not what their country can do for them, but what they can do for their country.
We needn’t look at his accomplishments, but at our own because we will be doing the work; we will be working together; we are one nation; we are one people; we are millions of voices calling for change. He alone has inspired us when all others have failed. He alone has shared with us the vision of our future that gives us real hope. That is his accomplishment. In Washington, it isn’t much; but in America, it’s everything!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
California's Proposition 8
The following post is from my friend's blog. She explains the following situation very well and I was completely stunned when I read it. I have personally had the belief that we are all children of God despite the decisions we make in life. We shouldn't discriminate against anyone whether it be race, religion, sex or sexual orientation. I don't have to agree with what you do, but don't force your beliefs on me. In return, I won't discriminate and deny you your rights. But if proposition 8 in CA is not passed, the consequences are unimaginable. Goodbye to separation of church and state because the government would be dictating to all churches how and what they should believe. Please read her post:
Those of you who are from or have family in California are probably familiar with the importance of the upcoming vote on proposition 8. I know the same measure is on the ballot in a few other states as well all though i am not sure of the number. But all should be informed. The proposition seeks to restore the definition of Marriage. This is not an attack on gays and in NO WAY does it eliminate their rights. "domestic partners shall have the same rights, protections and benefits" as married spouses. (Family Code Sect. 297.5). This will not change. This is about protecting our children.
In 2000 proposition 22 was voted on and 61% of californians voted to reaffirm the traditional definition of marriage as being between a man and woman. Then after a lot of money and lobbying, 4 activist judges in our state supreme court overturned the will of the people in a contoversial 3-4 decision.
You might think- who cares? This doesn't really affect me. So untrue. First and foremost the Prophet and First Presidency of the Church have asked the members of the church to give of all of the time, money and resources they can to help pass this initiative. Every stake has been instructed to organize routes with the help of a coalition of Christian churches to go door to door on saturdays to encourage people to register and vote yes on prop 8. It is that important. If you're familiar with the LDS church, you know that the leaders very rarely involve themselves in politics in any way. This is different. This affects us as members of the church, immensely.
Some of the consequences of a failed proposition would be:
-Children in public schools will be taught that families can be 2 dads or 2 moms or one of each and all are ok. ( education code 51890)
-churches and clergy can legally be sued if they do not allow same-sex marriages in their facilities or do not wish to perform them.
-religious adoption agencies(church social services) will be restricted from placing children only in homes with a father and a mother.
-religions that sponsor private schools like BYU will not only no longer be able to deny admissions to gays based on the honor code, but will be required to provide housing for same-sex couples.
-ministers who preach against homosexuality could be sued for "hate-speech" and can be fined by the government. This has already happened in Canada.
Please get involved where you can. Vote Yes on proposition 8. -Melissa Gainor
I also received the following email from my friend, Allison Chambers:
The following contains information given from an LDS judge in California and his statistics were mind blowing. For example, in Boston, MA (where gay marriages are now legal,) the Catholic Charities have closed their doors because the state has required them to allow adoptions to same sex couples, and they refused. They are a large and worthwhile charity with great power in the state and they were overruled. A Methodist church has lost their tax exempt status because the minister refused to perform a marriage of a same sex couple (they were not of his congregation). A physician who refused to do fertility treatments on a same sex couple because of religious reasons was sued, lost and the state is requiring him to treat everyone as equals. Our schools will be required to teach, starting in kindergarten, that marriages make up many different combinations. The consequences are horrible.
Directly tied into ALL of this is our right to continue to go to the Temple. If Gay Marriage is supported by the government,
then those who are same-sex married, who are 'LDS' and legally recognized as married by the government, can sue to be married in the temple. It is my opinion that the church will not bend on this issue, and our rights to go to the temple will be in jeopardy. AND goodbye to those religious tax-deductions. Tithing, fast offerings, etc. We will lose our tax-exemption status if the government legally forces the church to support same-sex marriage.'
These effects are far-reaching! I hope no one is upset by this email, I would not want to offend anyone, but I believe this issue
is not a political issue at all, but a moral issue that affects all of society. The Proclamation on the family clearly gives a warning voice on this matter.
I pray that this issue on the ballots will overturn the gay marriages occuring right now in that state, and help prevent other
states from adopting this stance. I believe that it is important to support and defend traditional marriage, home and family.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
My "little" brother Jake recently returned from his 2 year mission for our church in New Jersey. It was so exciting to see him finally. So much has happened in 2 years. For one thing, I was completely bald when he left, and now I have hair! He also has 2 new nieces and 1 new nephew. Welcome home Jake! Also, congratulations to my brother-in-law, Tau, for changing his son's diaper...you're a genius!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Friday, September 5, 2008
Attempts at a Family Picture
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
Friday, August 15, 2008
Carl's Word-My Country, right or wrong, my country
Here's a terrific response to Josh's view of the Russian/Georgia conflict. This is from my dad, Carl Uda. Again, I like hearing all sides to a story. My dad is great patriot and a war veteran. It has become popular to be un-patriotic and dis on our own country. I do not personally agree with all the policies America has had, but I still do love my country and consider myself blessed to live here. On a side note, I did hear a comment by an ABC anchor asking a reporter why we are so supportive of Georgia when they initiated this crisis. The reporter responded that it is because they have been such a close ally to the US and huge supporter of the Iraq war. After the US and Great Britain, Georgia has sent the most troops to Iraq.
Here's Carl's response:
"I think that it is great that you look at many sources for your information about the Russo-Georgian War. However, I would be careful about making the broad assumption that all American media is full of lies and all foreign media is full of truth. Personally, I have a lot more faith in the American media than most people. Call me gullible, if you will.
We should judge actions without bias for the system of government, but we should look at both past history and current actions when making those judgements. Having said that, I don't think a skunk can easily change its color or its smell. I believe that there are many Americans who stand with Georgia, There are many, like me, who are not totally cynical about the American Media. I hope we can all discern truth wherever it is to be found, whether it be in foreign media or the American media. For me, I hope we can trust Russia. Even Reagan trusted Russia. He said, 'Trust, but verify.' I think that is good counsel, 'Trust, but verify.'
There may be much truth in what you said about Russia and Georgia. You have to remember that when I grew up and witnessed history, I remember that Georgia, Ossetia, and Russia were all part of a larger union called the Soviet Union, also called the 'Evil Empire.' There are many good people in the former Soviet Union states, but there are still the hard core people who believe in the old ideology. So, maybe we are witnessing parts of the old evil empire doing evil amongst themselves. Whatever it is, it is horrific since many innocents must suffer, but I neither blame the USA nor am I ashamed that my country believes in supporting a democratic nation which has hopes and ideals to promote individual freedoms.
You know, I am glad I live in a free land where I can express my thoughts freely. I am glad you live in a land where you can express your thoughts freely. Obviously, in a country of millions, we have many millions of opinions and thoughts; however, as a nation, we all fundamentally believe in the Constitution of the United Stations and the Bill of Rights. We are held together by some unseen force or belief or power. Call it what you will.
I am proud to be an American and I have faith in the American way. America is not perfect, but I don't know of any other nation which can boast of our accomplishments. The fruits I see coming from America are much sweeter and more desireable than the fruits I have seen from the old Soviet Union and its fractured members. Call me a flag waving, proud, American. I am. I served my country when it wasn't cool to do so, just as our servicemen serve in Iraq when it isn't cool to do so. My fellow servicemen didn't come home from Viet Nam to ticker tape parades and acclaim. We came home. We didn't boast of our Viet Nam service. We were labeled as baby killers.
I grew up in the sixties when many people condemned our nation for going to war in Viet Nam and there were lots of civil unrest and civil disobedience. The images are disheartening in a democratic nation founded on some pretty wonderful principles. Yet, I have never seen a more ungrateful nation than that which exists today where people are quick to blame our country for everything from terrorism and rising gas prices to global warming. More people believe what the media in countries like Russia or Iran or France say than what the media in America says. I think it is a sad commentary on where we are headed as a nation. When people tell me what is wrong with America, I appreciate what is right with America. I have been to countries where they can only wish they could live in America.
So, what is my point? Why am I rambling on? Maybe I am stuck in the old Cold War mentallity. Maybe I believe that Saakashvili is a lying villain, a treacherous war criminal and murderer. After all, he belong to the former Soviet Union. Maybe, since I am stuck in my Cold War mentallity, I also believe that Putin and Medvedev are lying villains, treacherous war criminals and murderers, just like Arabs believe Bush is a lying villain, a treacherous war criminal and murderer.
John McCain, doesn't just speak for himself. I am one U.S. citizen who looks for opportunities to support struggling democracies against tyrant nations. I was taught when I was young, 'My country, right or wrong, my country.' I still believe that. I stand beside her and I hope the All Mighty will also continue standing beside her and guiding her.
I hope you will be open to contrary views and understand my love and loyalty to this country."
Labels: Georgia, patriotism, Russia, veteran
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Josh's Word-Russia/Georgian War
My younger brother, Josh, recently sent out this email explaining his opinion on the recent hostilities in Georgia by Russia. I thought it was an excellent explanation of what is going on over there and a another point of view that most of us probably haven't heard. Remember, there are always 2, 3 or 4 sides to a story, depending how many "sides" are involved. I take a keen interest in politics and current events and the current political campaign is like the Super Bowl to me. Anyway, here is Josh's synopsis.
"Some of my friend have asked what I think about the Russo-Georgian war. I guess they want the opinion of someone who has lived in Russia. Well, I hate to disappoint, but I never actually lived in Russia. I was in the Baltic States: Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia. I was also in the currently communist country of Belarus.
These were former Soviet States, occupied for more than half a century by the Soviet Union. With the exception of Belarus, they have made a statement condemning Russia, and they fear that they might be next. Many might think that I would side with them.
I read on the news today that John McCain said that all Americans stand with Georgia.
That might be true if all Americans received their information about the Russo-Georgian war exclusively from the American Media. They have portrayed this conflict as Russian aggression, an invasion by Russia in an attempt to annex a free and democratic U.S. ally.
I have been watching BBC and other International news, and I am frankly embarrassed by my country's position.
Here is the rest of the story that we are not hearing in the states.
Ossetia was one of the first regions to try and break away from the Soviet Union. It fought for independence from the Soviet state of Georgia. Later, Georgia also broke away from the Soviet Union, but Ossetia remained separate and gained de-facto independence and sovereignty.
During the Rose Revolution a few years ago, Mikheil Saakashvili rose to power and promised to reclaim Ossetia and bring it under Georgian rule. After much political effort, his plan was failing, and he began to position himself for war. In the meantime, he courted the U.S. as an ally, and his military was beefed up and trained by U.S. forces.
Observing this pending conflict, Russia sent peacekeepers to the region at the request of Ossetia. Ossetia had become a close ally of the Russian Federation, and many Ossetians hold Russian passports and Russian citizenship.
Last week, Georgia held a diplomatic meeting with Ossetia and finally agreed to peaceful negotiations mediated by Russia. Immediately following this agreement, Georgia launched a surprise offensive against Ossetia.
The offensive began with Georgian peacekeepers that were part of the same contingent as the Russian peacekeepers. After receiving word that the offensive had begun, they suddenly turned and gunned down their Russian counterparts.
Georgia then began to bomb and shell civilian populated regions of Ossetia and sent in columns of tanks and soldiers in a rapid advance to seize the Ossetian capitol.
After taking control of Ossetia, the Georgians then began to evict all Ossetians from their homes driving them in a massive exodus of refugees towards Southern Russia; however, many would not leave.
Georgian forces then began to attack those that remained behind. Georgian Tanks ran over and crushed old women and children in the streets. Georgian soldiers pulled people out of their homes, lined them up, and gunned them down, men, women, and children. Others, they locked in buildings and barns, women and children, and then burned them alive. Thousands were killed.
Russian President Medvedev heard the Ossetian cries for help. He called the situation genocide, and launched a counter attack to drive back Georgian forces and end the atrocities and war crimes being committed at the command of the democratically elected Saakashvili.
Russian tanks and soldiers poured across the border, and Russian planes began a bombing campaign against Georgian targets. The Georgian forces were decimated and quickly began a rapid retreat. They called for U.S. allies and others to save them from the Russian aggressors.
The U.S. stood by and accused Russia of invading a democratic country with the goal of annexation. The Russian offensive lasted a few days, and yesterday, Medvedev made the announcement that the operation was complete. He stated that all its objectives had been met, that the aggressor had been driven back and punished severely. He explained that the deep incursion into Georgia was necessary in order to destroy the entire military infrastructure that Georgia had used to commit its crimes.
Putin and Medvedev expressed frustration with the West, saying that the hypocrisy was almost too much to bear. Putin said that Saddam had to be hung, because he killed innocent civilians and destroyed villages that sought to break away, and Russia was upholding those same ideals and protecting the lives and freedom of its own citizens.
Medvedev stated that the U.S. was stuck in a cold war mentality and could not see that Russia was fighting against those evils that it once stood for. Both Putin and Medvedev expressed hope that they could work with Western friends and partners and find a common language.
Clearly, we have been misinformed by our own media.
John McCain, you can speak for yourself. I am one U.S. citizen that would NEVER stand with Georgia and support what they have done. Saakashvili is a lying villain, a treacherous war criminal and murderer. The Russian Federation was right to save the Ossetians, and they should be commended for standing up for freedom and justice, and for their restraint in not overthrowing the Georgian government, or occupying the aggressor nation.
Just because a government is democratically elected does not mean that that government is always in the right, or that we should always take their side. We should judge actions without bias for the system of government.
If you agree that all Americans stand with Georgia, then delete this. If you do not stand with Georgia, then pass this along and help the American people become informed. They certainly will not get the truth from the American Media.
Labels: current events, Georgia, politics, Russia
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Beauty - A Divine Gift
“Will not wear glasses because of vanity.”
That’s what my doctor wrote in my medical records when I was 6 years old. When I was 12, he told my mother I had anorexic tendencies. My teenage years were filled with anxiety about what I looked like. I could never get my hair to match the latest fad, I had problems with acne, my clothes weren’t as cool as the other girl’s in school, and I worried about getting fat.
The pressure of dating didn’t help either. If a boy liked me, I was pretty. If he broke up with me I was ugly, fat, and worthless.
At 20 years old, I was clinically anorexic. I was down to 95 lbs. My collar and rib bones jutted sharply outward and I knew I was too thin. It didn’t matter though. I couldn’t stop it. I just couldn’t eat.
My parents had me hospitalized and when I was released, I was put into an out treatment program for eating disorders. The counseling was grueling at times, but seemed to help. Gradually I gained control of the urge not to eat. I still wasn’t satisfied with how I looked, but the eating disorder and I called a truce. It never took over my life again as it had in the past. But the basic beliefs that I was ugly, un-loveable and unworthy remained.
I served a mission in Japan. I grew in many ways, including gaining 40 lbs. Again I was disgusted by my appearance but dealt with it by focusing on the work I was doing. It was difficult at times because in the Japanese culture, it isn’t rude to tell someone they are fat. On several occasions people mentioned that I had gotten fat since coming to Japan. The comments hurt, but I pushed them into the place I stored all the proof that I was fat and ugly; and kept working.
After returning home from my mission, I met a wonderful, caring and compassionate man. He made me feel beautiful, inside and out. He loved me unconditionally and we were soon married. Getting married helped take the pressure off my self-image. I felt loved and worthwhile. Still, on occasion, if my husband was upset or we had a disagreement, I immediately attributed it to the fact that I wasn’t beautiful enough and hopelessly un-loveable. We had 2 children and then when I was 28 years old, I was diagnosed with cancer.
When I found out I had cancer, my first question to the doctor was,
“Am I going to lose my hair?”
His affirmative response caused my heart to drop to my stomach. Never mind that I had cancer, that there was a large tumor growing in my chest, and that I would die without treatment….I was going to lose my hair! I was going to be bald!
I began treatment and had the toxic chemo cocktails injected into a port in my chest once a week. After a month, my hair began falling out. It was traumatic to lose large clumps of long hair, so I had it cut short and finally, I asked my husband to shave my head.
I cried as he shaved my hair off, but by the time he was done, I was resigned to my fate. I went to look in the mirror and was disheartened by what I saw. As I ran my fingers over my head I tried to accept the fact that this is what I looked like now, and there was nothing I could do about it.
I got sicker, my eyebrows began thinning and the steroids I was on made me gain weight. I tried to avoid mirrors all together. I was sickened by the person I saw. I was a troll; I was the hairless Gollum on Lord of the Rings. My energy level dropped dramatically. I was sicker than I had ever been in my life. I couldn’t even hold my children anymore. My mother had moved in with us to take care of my kids and me so my husband could keep working. I was completely dependent on other people. I couldn’t drive because of all the medications I was on, and occasionally had to use a wheel chair
During treatment, I was hospitalized and had surgery to remove my gall bladder. By the end of the two-week stay, most of my hair had fallen out. There were still some stray hairs growing like weeds out of my head. Frustrated, I took thick pieces of medical tape and stuck them to my head. Then with quick yanks, ripped them off pulling the rest of my hair out. When I saw what I had done, I began to panic. There was so much hair on the tape. I didn’t know I still had that much left, and I just ripped it all out!
In tears, I began to pray. I was completely and utterly humbled. I was at the mercy of God and with my bald head lowered in prayer, I was willing to accept anything he had to offer me: new hair, a healthy body, more energy, anything.
What he graciously offered surprised me. As the sweetest spirit settled upon me, I was filled with warmth and peace. I felt the love and glory of a perfect Heavenly Father envelope me with soft ethereal arms. I realized in that moment that I was of more value to Him then I could ever imagine. As weak and imperfect as I am, I knew that I was a divine child of God. I had inherited many qualities from my Heavenly Father. This inheritance alone, made me infinitely worthy of His love.
No longer could I deny that I wasn’t loveable. I couldn’t even deny that I was beautiful. God made me, and he made me beautiful. I had been beautiful all along but had never acknowledged that gift He gave me. Yet in my humbled state, I couldn’t lie. Even looking in the mirror at my puffy eyebrow-less face, the dark grooved circles under my eyes, and my shiny Gollum like head, I was a beautiful child of God. Why had I never realized this before?
It was because of my pride. Alma taught the Zoramites:
“And now, because ye are compelled to be humble blessed are ye; for a man sometimes, if he is compelled to be humble, seeketh repentance; and now surely, whosoever repenteth shall find mercy.”
Because of the situation I found myself in, I was compelled to be humble, stripped of my pride and vanity, I could no longer deny the gifts God had given me.
Is it a sin to have bad self-esteem? I would have to say yes. It is a sin of ingratitude. The lack of esteem for one’s self comes from despair. Moroni taught that “despair cometh because of iniquity.”
There are medical theories and psychological explanations for why girls become anorexic. Perhaps it’s in their genes, or because of social peer pressure. And of course, there’s always the unrealistic images in the media. But what I came to realize is that my self-loathing was a terrible ingratitude for the body Heavenly Father blessed me with. I had chosen to believe the cruel lies of the devil, who was so jealous of the body I had been given; he was determined to make me hate it, and then destroy it.
I had given in to the enticings of the world, being consumed with my outward appearance, giving into the natural man. King Benjamin taught:
“For the natural man is an enemy to God, and has been from the fall of Adam, and will be, forever and ever, unless he yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit and putteth off the natural man and becometh a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord, and becometh as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father.”
I was ready to put off the natural (wo)man. I was ready to submit to God whatever he saw fit to “inflict” upon me. I would get through this experience with beauty, patience and faith. As long as I could continue to feel that sweet peaceful love from my Heavenly Father, I would not despair.
I was stripped of my crown of hair, puffed up like a marshmallow, and had my quality of life taken away for a time. But for me, this was the only way I was ever going to stop believing Satan’s lies, and realize how much God loves me.
I do not believe that Heavenly Father gave me cancer to teach me a lesson. It didn’t happen because He didn’t love me. It just happened. Bad things happen to us in this life. It’s part of how we are tested. But all things work together for our good. And even bad things can bring great blessings. I will be forever grateful that through that terrible experience, I learned to love myself and feel God’s love more abundantly in my life.
Labels: anorexia, esteem, self image
Monday, July 28, 2008
Hurricane Ivan 2004 hit Grand Cayman
Our experience with Hurricane Ivan in 2004 which struck Grand Cayman while we were living there.
Labels: Grand Cayman, Hurricane Ivan
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Rae's Word-About Me
This is my personal blog site. It is about my life, the things I'm involved in, interests, activities and my business. My family is my number 1 business, but this is not their site. I will certainly feature them here, but it is not OUR blog, it's mine. I must say, there are very few things that are just mine and it's easy for moms to define themselves through their kids and husbands. But I've been searching for what's in me and what I'm all about. This is where I'll explore that. So here we go...
I'm a 31 year old woman who still considers herself a girl. Can girls be 31? Lucky for me I don't look my age. This used to really bother me when I was 13 and was offered the kids menu, or when I was 16 and boys thought I was 12. My husband almost didn't ask me out because he thought I was only 18. (I was 24) But now I'm really starting to appreciate my youthful appearance.
I'm married to Munro Murdock. He's the most wonderful husband a girl could ever possibly have. You know how women get together and complain about this and that and all the annoying things their husbands do? I just can't relate. Munro is not a perfect person, but he is darn near a perfect husband! I can't complain, only rejoice!
I have 2 beautiful children who I absolutely adore. They are my reason for waking up in the morning (mommy I want breakfast) and going to sleep at night. (of course because I'm exhausted!)
I definitely want more children, but because of a bout with cancer 2 years ago, my plans have been disrupted. I'm so baby hungry, but when the time is right, it will happen.
Despite my initial shy and quiet exterior, I'm quite a different person once you get to know me. I've been told that I have a dry sense of humor and a quick wit. I have to cool it on the sarcasm though because I heard it's the language of the devil.
I love to create things. (like my 2 kids). I used to be into poetry and composing music. But now I really like video editing and writing rap lyrics.
I'm a healthy chocolate fanatic but only because it helped me rehab my sugar addiction and gave me tons of energy, which I've never had in my life.
I'm a good business partner with a lot of common sense to bring to the table. I have a positive outlook on life and get fulfillment from making a difference in the world and in people's lives. I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I don't have horns, sister wives or a little house on the prairie dress.