Drum roll please.....................
And the results are.................
The battle against cancer was grueling and the affects of chemo were almost unbearable. But there was a handful of side affects that I gladly accepted. We made the decision to put my body into menopause during chemotherapy to protect my eggs and give me a chance at getting pregnant in the future. The doctors were hopeful that it would work, but not positive. We have been trying to get pregnant for a while now and it has been a source of disappointment and frustration that is was proving to be so difficult-- Especially when it was very easy to get pregnant with my first two. We were just starting to look into adoption when we found out I was pregnant. I am only 5 weeks along and common sense would tell me that it is much too early to broadcast the news. But I've never been one to keep a secret...it's just too hard when I'm so happy and excited. Besides, I figure the added prayers from friends and family could only help. My hormone levels are high and I'm already sick, both good signs that I can sustain the pregnancy. I'm so incredibly excited. Mason put it best when we told him the news. He said, "Mom, I'm so excited. It's going to hurt a lot, but it's the best gift."
Wow, I just love my kids, and can't wait to have another special little spirit join our family.
1 month ago
yea! congratulations! I'm so excited for you!
Congrats Rae! Can't wait to see the new baby bean!
AHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Congrats! I'm so excited for you 4!!!
Woo hoo! Congratulations! Mason's comment was so funny. I'm happy for you guys!
Yea! Celebration! Wo wo wo wo!!! I'm so happy for you. My mom told me how much you wanted another one. She felt so special that you actually took the time to call her and tell her!
And blast I wish I would have known about Monroe and those cars. La-ha-me :) I will look you guys up next time for sho.
Faith & prayer really work! We are so excited to meet #23 grandchild next year!
Love, Papa G and Mama Mimi
congratulations! hope everything goes well!
Holy Moly!
Way to go Munro!
Happy that you're happy sis!
Love ya!
Wow...CONGRATS Ro & Rae!! We are so excited for you guys and I hope the sickness keeps up, because like you said...that's a good sign!
soooo how exactally did this happen young lady???? ha ha ha naaaa I dont need to know!!! I have a general idea. love you I am really happy for you
yay rachel!!! congrats! that is so exiting- can't wait to hear about it throughout the months. I hope you've been feeling well. It's been fun to get comments from you on our blog and to link back and see yours. Can we come see you? Did you get Kimberly's message?
I'm so excited for you. I always love hearing happy endings after a trial. It's so great when prayers can be answered in such an amazing way ! Congratulations ! lol
congratulations! the wait just makes you appreciate it more and whine a little less. but only a little. that's great.
I'm just so excited for you guys. So you're like 8 weeks now, right? Wow it's amazing! I feel so sorry for you, I hated being sick. I'll have to bring you some icey pops. Those helped right before bed. But I am sure you know what to do cause it's your 3rd. :) Hope the sickness goes away for you soon, but I am told it's worth it. :)
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