The following post is from my friend's blog. She explains the following situation very well and I was completely stunned when I read it. I have personally had the belief that we are all children of God despite the decisions we make in life. We shouldn't discriminate against anyone whether it be race, religion, sex or sexual orientation. I don't have to agree with what you do, but don't force your beliefs on me. In return, I won't discriminate and deny you your rights. But if proposition 8 in CA is not passed, the consequences are unimaginable. Goodbye to separation of church and state because the government would be dictating to all churches how and what they should believe. Please read her post:
Those of you who are from or have family in California are probably familiar with the importance of the upcoming vote on proposition 8. I know the same measure is on the ballot in a few other states as well all though i am not sure of the number. But all should be informed. The proposition seeks to restore the definition of Marriage. This is not an attack on gays and in NO WAY does it eliminate their rights. "domestic partners shall have the same rights, protections and benefits" as married spouses. (Family Code Sect. 297.5). This will not change. This is about protecting our children.
In 2000 proposition 22 was voted on and 61% of californians voted to reaffirm the traditional definition of marriage as being between a man and woman. Then after a lot of money and lobbying, 4 activist judges in our state supreme court overturned the will of the people in a contoversial 3-4 decision.
You might think- who cares? This doesn't really affect me. So untrue. First and foremost the Prophet and First Presidency of the Church have asked the members of the church to give of all of the time, money and resources they can to help pass this initiative. Every stake has been instructed to organize routes with the help of a coalition of Christian churches to go door to door on saturdays to encourage people to register and vote yes on prop 8. It is that important. If you're familiar with the LDS church, you know that the leaders very rarely involve themselves in politics in any way. This is different. This affects us as members of the church, immensely.
Some of the consequences of a failed proposition would be:
-Children in public schools will be taught that families can be 2 dads or 2 moms or one of each and all are ok. ( education code 51890)
-churches and clergy can legally be sued if they do not allow same-sex marriages in their facilities or do not wish to perform them.
-religious adoption agencies(church social services) will be restricted from placing children only in homes with a father and a mother.
-religions that sponsor private schools like BYU will not only no longer be able to deny admissions to gays based on the honor code, but will be required to provide housing for same-sex couples.
-ministers who preach against homosexuality could be sued for "hate-speech" and can be fined by the government. This has already happened in Canada.
Please get involved where you can. Vote Yes on proposition 8. -Melissa Gainor
I also received the following email from my friend, Allison Chambers:
The following contains information given from an LDS judge in California and his statistics were mind blowing. For example, in Boston, MA (where gay marriages are now legal,) the Catholic Charities have closed their doors because the state has required them to allow adoptions to same sex couples, and they refused. They are a large and worthwhile charity with great power in the state and they were overruled. A Methodist church has lost their tax exempt status because the minister refused to perform a marriage of a same sex couple (they were not of his congregation). A physician who refused to do fertility treatments on a same sex couple because of religious reasons was sued, lost and the state is requiring him to treat everyone as equals. Our schools will be required to teach, starting in kindergarten, that marriages make up many different combinations. The consequences are horrible.
Directly tied into ALL of this is our right to continue to go to the Temple. If Gay Marriage is supported by the government,
then those who are same-sex married, who are 'LDS' and legally recognized as married by the government, can sue to be married in the temple. It is my opinion that the church will not bend on this issue, and our rights to go to the temple will be in jeopardy. AND goodbye to those religious tax-deductions. Tithing, fast offerings, etc. We will lose our tax-exemption status if the government legally forces the church to support same-sex marriage.'
These effects are far-reaching! I hope no one is upset by this email, I would not want to offend anyone, but I believe this issue
is not a political issue at all, but a moral issue that affects all of society. The Proclamation on the family clearly gives a warning voice on this matter.
I pray that this issue on the ballots will overturn the gay marriages occuring right now in that state, and help prevent other
states from adopting this stance. I believe that it is important to support and defend traditional marriage, home and family.
1 month ago
Wow. Thanks, Rachel. That was REALLY informative (and powerful). I didn't really know any of the stipulations that were hanging onto the coattails of the gay marriage issue. They just can't start mixing up government and religion like that, how scary.
Great post Rae. I'm hyperventilating right now though thinking of the horrible consequences of not getting that passed! I also just read that Brad Pitt donated 100,000 to help defeat that bill. What a confused idiot! He should stick with building Green houses and feeding the kids in Africa.
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