Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Trip to the Zoo

Last week my sister Sarah and I took our kids to the zoo during spring break. It was the warmest day of the week (60 degrees!) The kids had a lot of fun and we all walked a total of 3.38 miles. Here are some pics from our excursion:

Mason and Maile on the fake elephant trunk. Noa was too scared to get close.

Mason, Maile, Noa and Malia. I'm not sure what Noa and Malia were so interested in looking at.

Playing on the zoo playground. An chaotic scene of more kids then were meant to be on the playground I'm sure. I lost a couple of my kids a few times.

I thought this pic was funny cause it shows how exhausted Noa was by the end of the day.

Me and Malia

Prego Sarah

Me, Malia and Noa on a crocodile

Malia on a giant spider!

The kids on the back of the train

Malia in the famous turtle shell that we've all had our pictures taken in.

I love how Malia is standing with all the other kids checking out the strange animals behind the glass.

Malia too curious to look at the camera.


Naomi Hanks said...

Looks like you guys had tons of fun! Wish we could have been there to join in! Love and miss you guys!

P.S. WOW! You really make some cute kids Rae!

Beccarigg said...

Aww....those pics bring back so many good memories of Hogle Zoo! Remember when you and I took all the cousins there when Teya was little? There were only 5 of them then! Now we're going on 12 right? Wow! I just remember that Joseph lost his first tooth on the ride home. ha! Good times!

Great pictures of everyone, Sarah is such a cute little Prego! And Malia just wants to be one of the big kids doesn't she? So cute!

Sarah said...

Rae that was so fun. Thank you for inviting me and Noa and for taking an extra two hours to pick us up and drop us off you are the best. We had a blast