Thursday, February 26, 2009

My Rockin Music Video-"Eat Xocai Baby"

It's been a year in the making...."Eat Xocai Baby" is the long awaited music video Munro and I made about our Rockin Healthy Chocolate Business. Now you can get a better idea about what it is Munro actually does for a living. And hey...if anything, this is good for a laugh. Starring our family and Brooklyn, the Xocai Baby.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Two Peas

Mason and Maile have become inseperable lately. They constantly declare they are "best friends" and when Mason's at school, Maile's constant question is "When are we gonna get Mason?" It's gotten to the point that when Mason isn't around, Maile is completely inhibited. She's afraid to play with other kids and cries when she's in public situations. Having Mason with her is like a security blanket and she can do anything and be completely herself if he's around. It's totally cute on one hand, but worries me a bit too. Mason is his same outgoing self no matter what. But he definitely has Maile under his wing and takes extra special care of her especially in public and around other kids. I'm glad my kids like each other so much. It really is a blessing. They're both excited about the new baby. But I am interested to see if 3 will be a crowd.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Real Men do the Haka

Munro and I dated and were engaged for a total of 4 months in Hawaii before we flew home during Christmas break to meet each other's families and get married. It was pretty crazy meeting your new family just before joining them. But I totally lucked out in the awesome in-law department. I really didn't know any of them very well, but one of my fondest memories of my new brothers (keep in mind Munro has 7 brothers) was when they all ripped off their shirts and performed the Haka at our reception. They had a crash course lesson from my little brother Jacob before they performed. It brought tears to my eyes when I saw this haole rendition but I felt loved and accepted into my new family. How lucky am I to have 2 Amazing families!

Highlights from Our Wedding 2002

Here's a little video from the happiest day of my life. Ro and I were married on Jan. 2, 2002.

Friday, February 13, 2009

30 Things About Me and My Valentine

1. How long have you been together?
7 years 5 months

2. How long did you know each other before you started dating?
About 1 week

3. Who asked who out?
Munro didn't have my number or know which dorm I lived in. So he just picked a dorm and asked the RA if I lived there. I did! So he asked me out.

4. How old are each of you?
We're both 31. I'm 2 months older.

5. Whose siblings do you see the most?
We see mine more since some live right next door.

6. Do you have children together?
2 children and 1 squirmy baby in my tummy.

7. What about pets?
No pets anymore. I accidently killed the fish and we sold our dog :(

8. Did you go to the same school?

9. Are you from the same town?
No but close. I'm from Provo, he's from Orem.

10. Who is the smartest?
We are both pretty smart I guess, just in different areas.

11. Who is the most sensitive?
Definitely ME!

12. Where do you eat out most as a couple?
Olive Garden and Los Hermanos

13. Where is the farthest place you have traveled as a couple?
Grand Cayman

14. Who has the craziest exes?
Probably me.

15. Who has the worst temper?
We both have very mild tempers and have never yelled at each other.

16. Who does most of the cooking?

17. Who is more social?

18. Who is the neat freak?

19. Who is more stubborn?
I'm very stubborn and Munro is Mr. Humility

20. Who hogs the bed?
Neither, but I probably hog the blankets.

21. Who wakes up earlier?
Munro wakes up around 5am! I get up around 8.

22. Where was your first date?
In Hawaii. First date was with a Group and we saw "The Others". Our first single date was to L&L's and then we picked plumerias off some trees and made our own leis, hung out at Munro's house, probably walked on the beach that night too.

23. Who has the bigger family?
Munro, he has 9 kids in his family, I only have 8.

24. Do you get flowers often?
Not a ton, but he gets me flowers on special occasions, or when he's hurt my feelings :)

25. How do you spend the holidays?
Normally a little with his family and a lot with mine.

26. Who is more jealous?
I'm more jealous, but I like being's a passion feeling.

27. Who does the laundry?
I do the laundry

28. Who is better with the computer?
We're both pretty good at it, but recently I think Munro's skills have surpassed mine...if that's even possible!

29. Who drives when you are together?
Probably 50/50. I get sick in the passenger seat and I'm a terrible back seat just so he can have peace, Munro lets me drive a lot.

30. Is your family still growing?
As we speak...and if I'm lucky, I'd like to have maybe 1 or 2 more...but we might have to adopt. :)